Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Introduction of Me

The majority of you reading this already know me, but I am doing this for those of you who don't. My name is Brandon Holder and I am a girl, don't let the name throw you off. I am 24 and from Mineral Wells. I have always had a passion for photography, I remember my first camera that took 110 film it was purple and I wasted so much of my mom's money developing pictures of random animals and anything that would sit still long enough for me to snap a shot. I recently finally got the nerve up to post some of my pictures that I have taken and have gotten a lot of support and positive feedback, by the way thanks to all of you. So I am going to use this blog to display more photos and hopefully get some constructive criticism and new clients. Thanks to all of you that have let me practice with you and your children, I appreciate it more than you will ever now. I do have a lot of learning to do, but I am willing to put in the time and hard work that it is going to take. If you have any questions for me you can email me at and I will gladly reply.

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