Friday, September 24, 2010

My Favorite Nephew

Well I babysat my favorite and only nephew over the weekend and we had some picture fun :)! I just love him to pieces, he is such a sweet lil cowpoke.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Georgia Family

Im excited that I got a chance to take a few quick shots of my cousins from Georgia. They surprised us and came down for a couple of days. Good times we're had by all. Can't wait to see y'all again in November.

Clint and Jamie's Engagement Session

These are engagement shots that i took of my co-worker and his fiance. We had a lot of fun and it was really hot through the entire session. Gotta love Texas heat though!


This young lady was down visiting us from Oklahoma. So I took the opportunity to take a few shots of her to surprise her family.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Alyssa's 1st Birthday

Here are some pictures that I took of my little cousin for her 1st Birthday!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Family Session

I went to high school with this girl, now she is the mother to a beautiful and energetic lil princess. They traveled from Georgia and I got the pleasure of taking their family portraits. Thanks Candace, I hope you enjoy and cherish these.